Jeremy Johnson

Owner and Chief Resume Writer 

Jeremy Johnson is a Nationally Certified Resume Writer (1 of 73 in the US; 1 of 2 in North Carolina) and a Certified Career Coach with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration. He is also an active member of the National Resume Writers' Association (NRWA) where he previously served on the Grading Panel of Certification Board.

As the Owner and Chief Resume Writer of Opened Door Career Services LLC, Jeremy specializes in career brand management by creating beautiful resumes, cover letters. and LinkedIn profiles that can help you stand out to potential employers while providing professional interview preparation, job search, and career consultation services that can help seal the deal in landing your desired career opportunity.

Jeremy started his business after a successful career in the banking industry specializing in risk management, compliance, quality assurance, issues management, control testing, and team member development. During his tenure in the banking industry, Jeremy networked with recruiters and HR professionals while being sought out by peers for career advice, resume writing help, and interview preparation assistance. There were so many rewarding experiences in helping his peers land better career opportunities inside and outside of the organization. As a result, Jeremy realized his true passion for helping others advance in their careers.