Customized Resume Complimentary Resources With Valuable Information To Assist You In Your Job Search
Starting at
Platinum Package
*Excludes Executive and Senior-Level Resumes
Customized Resume LinkedIn Profile Optimization Complimentary resources with valuable information to assist you in your job search
Starting at
Executive & Senior-Level Resumes
Starting at
Resume & LinkedIn Profile Updates
Starting at
This service starts at $200 and is available for clients who recently had a resume or LinkedIn profile completed by Opened Door Career Services. Updates include, but are not limited to, adding a new position and showing changes in your current job description due to increased responsibilities, additional accomplishments, and new training, skills, and professional certifications related to your career target. Additional fees may apply depending on the extent of the updates.
LinkedIn Profile Optimization
Starting at
Interview Preparation
One 1-Hour Session * Currently, this service is not available for Executive Professionals.